Wednesday 24 October 2012

this is what david cameron does


Should children be taught that porn is not real?

XXX in neon
Many teenagers regularly view porn. But does this give them a distorted view of sex and relationships, and is there anything that can be done?
For many parents, the idea of their child seeking out, or stumbling across, online porn is the stuff of nightmares.
But with many children's bedrooms equipped with computers and the proliferation of the smartphone there are plenty of parents who would accept the inevitability.
There is no clear statistical picture as to how many children access porn online, or how often they do it.
In 2011, an EU-wide survey found that a quarter of 9-16 year-olds had seen sexual images and only 11% on websites.
Almost a third of 16-18-year-olds have seen sexual pictures on mobile phones at school at least a few times a month, a 2010 YouGov survey suggested.

Children's computer habits


  • 75% of school-age children have own computer
  • Two-thirds of all seven- to 16-year-olds can access the internet in their own room
  • Seven- to 16-year-olds using the internet do so on average for about two hours a day, and on more than five days a week

The National Association of Head Teachers is calling for children to be taught, "in an age-appropriate way", about the impact of pornography as part of the national curriculum. So from a young age, about 10, children would be taught about internet safety and warned about content, while teenagers would cover the issues in more detail.
"Children are growing up in an overtly sexualised world and part of this includes easy access to pornography on the internet and they need the skills to deal with that," says policy adviser Sion Humphreys.
The key concern is that teenagers personal lives, and even their adult sex lives, will be shaped by what they have seen.
Porn is not normal sex, the campaigners note.
Cindy Gallop, an advertising executive turned web entrepreneur, has set up a site which compares the "porn world" with the "real world" of sex.
Gallop, who spoke on the subject at a TED conference in 2009, says this "ubiquity, and freedom of access to online porn, combined with a society that is reluctant to talk about sex", has resulted in "porn becoming the default sex education".
One of the campaigners' concerns is that teenage girls and boys feeling pressured to do certain things they would not otherwise choose to do.
The idea is that if many teenagers are watching porn, and a certain activity is widespread in porn, their inference is that it is widespread in people's sex lives.
Commentators have already noted how aesthetic standards spread from the world of porn. "Brazilian"-style waxing is now considered normal by many in the US and UK. Even teenagers can feel they have to conform.
smart phone
Boris Johnson's sister, Rachel, made headlines when she revealed her horror at her 15-year-old daughter's desire to wax.
In 2010, a Home Office report warned the "drip-drip" exposure to sexual imagery - which included pornography, "lads' mags" and sexual imagery in advertising - was distorting young people's perceptions of themselves, encouraging boys to become fixated on being macho and dominant, and girls to present themselves as sexually available and permissive.
One 17-year-old, Rebecca, says porn changes boys' expectations of how girls should look. "Long hair, big boobs, big bum. If I had short hair, guys would be like, why short hair? You should grow it out."
Her classmate Femi says porn can worry boys too.

One girl's experience

Karen, now 20, spoke to Radio 1's Newsbeat about the effect porn had on a relationship she had as a teenager.
"I met him first in sixth form. Porn was very much something he did with his friends, they shared websites, and talked about it often, a sort of hobby.
"When he got more comfortable with me, he liked us to watch it together. That's when I started to realise it wasn't normal stuff, it was a bit darker than that.
"Because that was the only experience that I had of it, I thought there was something wrong with me for not enjoying it.
"Very violent... sex, hitting, slapping, scratching, pulling, sort of doing what he wanted at the speed he wanted to do it, and no sort of consideration or care for how it would make me feel.
"He was a boy, he wasn't a rapist in an alley jumping out at people; he thought it was normal and that was what everyone was doing."

"Maybe you're not physically living up to what porn is showing you," he says.
Karen, 20, says when she was 16, her boyfriend and his friends watched online porn "like it was a hobby". She says he would often watch it in front of her, copying what he saw.
"I thought there was something wrong with me for not enjoying it," she says.
A survey of 16-24 year olds by the University of Plymouth and the UK Safer Internet Centre found that one in three admitted porn had affected their relationships. ChildLine said it had seen a 34% rise in the last year in the number of calls from teenagers distressed by sexual images they had viewed online.
But conclusive proof of sexual behaviour changing among teenagers is hard to come by.
At the moment, personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education - which can include teaching on sex and relationships - is not compulsory in England, unlike other parts of the UK, although it is in the national curriculum.
Secondary school science lessons include basic biology. Beyond that it's up to schools how to address sex, and parents have the right to withdraw their children from any sex education.
So should school children be taught that pornography is not "real"?
Leonie Hodge, from the charity Family Lives - which has taught more than 7,000 students about the subject - is a firm believer that children need to learn the difference between porn and reality.
With 90% of children owning a smartphone, she says it is no longer relevant to talk about "making a baby".
"Teenagers are bombarded with pornography from a young age, you can't escape it. Its patronising to say they can't cope with the lesson because they can."
The charity uses role-play exercises to discuss with young people how they would react if they receive indecent images, and what porn makes them feel like.
But the National Union of Teachers say referring to pornography in lessons is a step too far and that it should only be discussed if students approach it.
This is the "most wired generation" ever, says Gallop.
And the 52-year-old, who has spoken of her series of relationships with men in their 20s, says her first-hand experience includes young men who derive many of their sexual attitudes from pornography, rather than anything more loving or intimate.
"I also get emails every day from young people pouring their hearts out, saying they had been utterly confused, and had no idea what was normal," she says.

Find out more

top shelf

But as well as teaching children about the impact of porn, Gallop thinks parents should also have more of an open dialogue with their children.
"The key is not to get embarrassed, or say something like 'nice girls don't do that', and it doesn't matter if a child doesn't really want to listen, the important thing is to keep the line of communication open," she says.
Siobhan Freegard, co-founder of Netmums, says the issue of online porn regularly comes up on forums, and there is quite a strong feeling among mothers that protecting their child from it, or educating them about it, is a parent's responsibility.
But she says mothers frequently panic when they come across porn on a computer at home.
"It can be a minefield - many don't know what to do or say. For example a single mother may struggle with teenage boys, a single father may not know how to approach the subject with his daughter. In very traditional households, they might not even talk about sex at all.
"The ideal solution is for schools and parents to work together," she says.
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now // where xx is a country code var hostMatch = false; if ("" == domain) { hostMatch = true; } else { // var pDest = domain.indexOf(""); if ((pDest != -1 ) && ((domain.length - pDest) == 14)) { hostMatch = true; } else { // a reference to altavista must be present in yahoo search url var pRef = ( && == 'altavista'); pDest = domain.indexOf(""); if (pDest != -1 && pRef) hostMatch = true; } } if (hostMatch) { //path must start with web/results? if ((path.indexOf("yhs/search?") == 0) || (path.indexOf("search;") == 0) || (path.indexOf("yhs/search;") == 0) || (path.indexOf("web/results?") == 0)|| (path.indexOf("fr=altavista") != -1)) { return true; } } return false; }; searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { var outHref = ""; var findStr = ""; // initial checks if ((!tag.href) || (tag.href.charAt(0) == '#') || (tag.href.indexOf("javascript:") == 0)) { return false; } if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, return false; var spnsdLinks = searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName("DIV", tag, "className"); if ((spnsdLinks) && (spnsdLinks.className.indexOf('ads') > -1)) // sponsored links { if (!tag.parentNode) return false; // parse ads for em tag var baseNode; if (spnsdLinks.className.indexOf('ads horiz') > -1) // horizontal ads sections baseNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode; else baseNode = tag.parentNode; if (!baseNode || !baseNode.lastChild || baseNode.lastChild.tagName != 'EM') return false; var outHref = searchshield.removeHtmlTags(baseNode.lastChild.innerHTML); return outHref; } if ((tag.className == "spt") || (tag.className == "res") || (tag.className == "yschttl spt")) { findStr = "/**"; var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr); if (pos != -1) { pos += 3; outHref = tag.href.substring(pos); outHref = unescape(outHref); // no results for & no yahoo domains chkHref = outHref.toLowerCase(); if (chkHref.indexOf("overture.") != -1) return false; // split the url based on '/' var parts = outHref.split('/'); // only need a domain if ((parts != null) && (parts[2] != null)) { var domain = parts[2]; if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("") != -1) ) { return false } } return outHref; } else { return tag.href; } } return false; }; searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element) { while (element != null) { element = element.nextSibling; if (element != null) { if (( == null) || ("LXPLSS_") == -1)) { // not our id but hit another anchor no verdict if (element.tagName == "A") { element = null; break; } } else if (element.tagName == "A") break; } } var rtnElem = !!element ? element.firstChild : element; return rtnElem; }; /////////////// ALTAVISTA SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// YANDEX SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.YandexSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); }; searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.YandexSearchEngine; = "yandex"; searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! 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return false; var domain=; // re stitch the uri path and query elements // to use existing logic var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query; if ((domain.indexOf("") > -1) && (path.indexOf("/ad") == -1)) { return true; } return false; }; searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { var outHref = false; var findStr = ""; if ((tag.parentNode) && (tag.parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "digg-count")) { return false; } if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, { if (tag.className && tag.className.indexOf('source') != -1) { findStr = "/search?q=site:"; var urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr); if (urlPos != -1) { urlPos += 15; outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos); return outHref; } } } return false; }; searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { // remove style that is set when alt image is applied this.addAnchorStyle = { background: "none" }; var parent = searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.addImage; return, node, image, hidden); }; /////////////// DIGG SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// SLASHDOT SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); this.showCleanVerdicts = false; this.new_links = false; this.type = 'inline'; }; searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine; = "slashdot"; searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! return false; var domain=; // re stitch the uri path and query elements // to use existing logic var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query; if (domain.indexOf("") != -1) { return true; } return false; }; searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, return false; if ( tag.href.indexOf("mailto:") != -1 ) return false; if ( tag.href.indexOf("") != -1 ) return false; if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.tagName == "DIV")) { if ("text-") != -1) { return tag.href; } } else if ( tag.parentNode && tag.parentNode.parentNode && tag.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "DIV" ) { if ("text-") != -1 ) { return tag.href; } } return false; }; searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var doc =; this.init_inline_ratings(doc); this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image); }; /////////////// SLASHDOT SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// TWITTER SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); this.showCleanVerdicts = false; this.new_links = false; this.type = 'inline'; }; searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine; = "twitter"; searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.twitter_filter_urls = ["", "", ""]; searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! return false; var domain=; if (domain.indexOf("") != -1) { return true; } return false; }; searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { if (tag.className == 'twitter-timeline-link') { // can't pass the tag's href if domain is cause then new posts // will not get an immediate verdict even if it has a dangerous link if (tag.href.indexOf('/') != -1) { // the tag's inner text may be truncated and end in the // unicode suspension character (i.e., ...) and it cannot // be used. if (tag.innerText.charCodeAt(tag.innerText.length-1) == 8230) { // older posts may not always have data-expanded-url var destUrl = tag.getAttribute('data-expanded-url'); if (!!destUrl) return destUrl; var finalUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetFinalUrl', tag.href); return finalUrl; } return searchshield.checkUrl(tag.innerText); } return tag.href; } return false; }; searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var doc =; this.init_inline_ratings(doc); this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image); }; /////////////// TWITTER SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// GMAIL SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.GMailSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); this.processFrames = true; this.showCleanVerdicts = false; this.type = 'inline'; }; searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.GMailSearchEngine; = "gmail"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase) searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! return false; var domain =; // re stitch the uri path and query elements to // use existing logic var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query; if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("gmail.") != -1)) { return true; } return false; }; searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, return false; // don't mark anything but http:// if (tag.href.indexOf("mailto") == 0) return false; var parentDiv = searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName("DIV", tag, "className"); if ((parentDiv) && ((parentDiv.className == "ii gt") || // mail message body (parentDiv.className == "mv") || // top sponsored links (parentDiv.className == "vb") || // right sponsored links (parentDiv.className == "im") || // inside quotes (parentDiv.className == "gmail_quote") || // quote (parentDiv.className == "msg") // basic html mode )) // right ads { // parse for any ads var newHref = this.parseAdUrl(tag.href); return newHref; } return false; }; searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var doc =; this.init_inline_ratings(doc); this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image); }; searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.parseAdUrl = function(href) { if (!href) return href; // check for google ad var regex = "^http(s)?\:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.googlesyndication\.com.+\&adurl\=(.+)"; var re = new RegExp(regex); var matches = href.match(re); if (matches && (matches.length >= 4)) { // else we want the fourth value var match = matches[3]; if (match && (match.length > 0)) return match } return href; }; /////////////// GMAIL SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// FACEBOOK SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); this.showCleanVerdicts = false; this.type = 'inline'; }; searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine; = "facebook"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase) searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! return false; if ("") != -1) return true; return false; }; searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { if (!tag.href || (tag.href.indexOf('') > -1) || (tag.href.indexOf('') > -1)) return false; return tag.href }; searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var doc =; this.init_inline_ratings(doc); this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image); }; /////////////// FACEBOOK SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// MYSPACE SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine = function(search) {, search); this.showCleanVerdicts = false; this.type = 'inline'; }; searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine(); searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine; = "myspace"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase) searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { var uri; if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null === uri = searchshield.parseLink(href); else uri =; if(!uri || ! return false; if ("") != -1) return true; return false; }; searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag) { // related domains do not get verdicts if (/myspace/.test(tag.hostname) || /myspace/.test(tag.href)) return false; if (/msplinks\.com/i.test(tag.href)) return searchshield.checkUrl(tag.innerText); return tag.href; }; searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var doc =; this.init_inline_ratings(doc); this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image); }; /////////////// MYSPACE SEARCH ENGINE /////////////// /////////////// AVG TOOLBAR REPORTING /////////////// var avgreport = { BLOCK_SEVERITY: 3, scanResult: function (doc, url, foundUrl, ip) { // report scan end only if surf enabled if ('1' != searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetSurfEnabled')) return; // for now native is handling the interstitial var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', url); if ( results == null ) return; var parts = results.split('::'); // need at least severity if (parts == null) return; if (!ip) ip = ""; // use a block severity if foundUrl is given var severity = !!foundUrl ? avgreport.BLOCK_SEVERITY : parseInt(parts[0], 10); var category = ""; var threat = ""; // fill in the category and threat if something was found if (severity > 0) { category = parts[2]; threat = parts[4]; } // else // return; var scan_result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'ReportScanResult', url, url, threat, category, ip, severity); var scan_end = avgreport.scanEnd(doc, url); return (scan_result && scan_end); }, scanEnd: function (doc, url) { return searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'ReportScanEnd', url); }, GetInterstitialIP: function (interstitial) { // simple regex to pull the IP address var regex = /(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)/; var match = regex.exec(interstitial); if (!match) return ''; return match[0]; } } /////////////// AVG TOOLBAR REPORTING /////////////// /////////////// FLYOVERS /////////////// var avglsflyover = { count: 0, poppedUp: false, poppedElement: null, reset: function () { avglsflyover.count = 0; avglsflyover.poppedUp = false; avglsflyover.poppedElement = null; }, popup: function (event, hash, search, flyover) { if (!event) event = window.event; var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); if (div == null) return; // establish target element and get its containing document object // in case verdict is inside a frame var eventTarget = event.srcElement; var frameDoc = eventTarget.ownerDocument; // if the element is the clock, don't pop over it if ((eventTarget.src != null) && (eventTarget.src.indexOf("clock.gif") != -1)) return; // save the element we popped over avglsflyover.poppedElement = eventTarget; // if no flyover get it if ((flyover == null) || (flyover == "")) { flyover = searchshield.avgCallFunc(frameDoc, 'BuildFlyover', hash); if (!flyover) return; // cleanup flyover, replace any new lines flyover = flyover.replace(/\r/g, ""); flyover = flyover.replace(/\n/g, ""); // escape any single quotes flyover = flyover.replace(/'/g, "'"); } // set the html in the layer div.innerHTML = flyover; // needed to prevent the flyover from hiding inadvertantly in IE7 if (searchshield.docMode == 7) { = "#fff"; } // there is an unwanted text node that causes vertical misalignment of flyover if (div.firstChild.nodeType == 3) div.removeChild(div.firstChild); avglsflyover.poppedUp = true; // reset display count avglsflyover.count = 0; avglsflyover.position(); }, hide: function (event) { var frameDoc = document || top.document; var div = frameDoc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); if ((div == null) || ( == null) || ( == "hidden")) return; var trans_div = frameDoc.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans"); if ((trans_div == null) || ( == null) || ( == "hidden")) return; // scroll and keydown events will pass a null event by design // toElement will be null when mousing out of frameelement containing a verdict if (event == null || event.toElement == null) { return; } if (trans_div.contains(event.toElement) || div.contains(event.toElement)) return; // if the toElement is a cooresponding alt image then don't hide // use try/catch because toElement will be null when mousing out of frame try { if (!! && !! { if (, == 0) return; if ( == 'XPLSS_Trans' && /XPLSS_\d+VU\d/.test( return; } } catch(err){} // hide and move somewhere off screen (negative offsets) = "hidden"; = "-2100px"; = "-2100px"; = "hidden"; = "-2100px"; = "-2100px"; return true; }, position: function () { if (!avglsflyover.poppedUp || (avglsflyover.poppedElement == null)) return; var flyover = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); if (flyover == null) return; // relative position of flyover in relation to icon var locateX = 0; // 0=left, 1=right var locateY = 0; // 0=above, 1=below, 2=beside icon // get window sizes var winSize = searchshield.viewPortSize(); var windowX = winSize[0]; var windowY = winSize[1]; // get the exact size of the flyover var flyoverSize = searchshield.elementSize(flyover); var flyoverX = flyoverSize[0]; var flyoverY = flyoverSize[1]; var verdictWidth = 0; if (avglsflyover.poppedElement && avglsflyover.poppedElement.width) verdictWidth = avglsflyover.poppedElement.width; // get the bounding rect for image(s) var imgRect = searchshield.GetFullBoundingRect(avglsflyover.poppedElement); // half width/height of element bounding rect var halfX = (imgRect.right - imgRect.left) / 2; var halfY = (imgRect.bottom- / 2; // element the mouse is over, get the center position var posX = searchshield.offsetLeft(avglsflyover.poppedElement) + halfX; var posY = searchshield.offsetTop(avglsflyover.poppedElement) + halfY; // if a verdict is inside a frame must get offsets for the frame element var docFrames = document.frames; if (docFrames) { for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i++) { try { var frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement; if (frameElem.contentWindow.document.getElementById( { posX += searchshield.offsetLeft(frameElem); posY += searchshield.offsetTop(frameElem); break; } } catch(frmErr){} } } var transXOffset = 0; if (imgRect.mid == undefined) transXOffset = -1 * halfX; else transXOffset = ((imgRect.right + imgRect.left) / 2) - imgRect.mid; // normalize pos to 0 -- get amount of scrolling in browser window var scroll = searchshield.scrollSize(); var pageOffsetX = scroll[0]; var pageOffsetY = scroll[1]; posX -= pageOffsetX; posY -= pageOffsetY; // setup the offsets var offsetX = posX; var offsetY = posY; // calc where to display on page if ((windowX - posX) > posX) { // right offsetX += halfX; locateX = 1; } else { //left offsetX -= (flyoverX + halfX); } if ((windowY - posY) > posY) { // below if (posY < (windowY/4)) { offsetY -= halfY; locateY = 1; } else { offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2); locateY = 2; } } else { // above if ((windowY - posY) < (windowY/4)) { offsetY -= (flyoverY - halfY); } else { offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2); locateY = 2; } } // make sure we aren't off the screen if (offsetY < 0) offsetY = 0; if ((offsetY + flyoverY) > windowY) offsetY = windowY - flyoverY; // add page offsets back offsetX += pageOffsetX; offsetY += pageOffsetY; posX += pageOffsetX; posY += pageOffsetY; var paddedOffsetX = 0; //provide space between icon and flyover var padX = 3; if (locateX == 0) paddedOffsetX = offsetX - padX; else paddedOffsetX = offsetX + padX; // set where to put the flyover = offsetY + "px"; = paddedOffsetX + "px"; // set where to put the transparent layer var trans = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans"); if (trans != null) { var trans_left = 0; var trans_top = 0; var trans_width= 0; var trans_height = 0; // transparent layer should overlap verdict image if (locateX == 0) trans_left = posX - flyoverX - halfX; // left else trans_left = posX - transXOffset - verdictWidth; // right = trans_left + "px"; = offsetY + "px"; = flyoverX + verdictWidth + "px"; = flyoverY + "px"; } avglsflyover.display(); }, display: function () { avglsflyover.count++; if (avglsflyover.count == 1) { var flyover = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); if (flyover == null) return; // show the flyover, must use a little count to tell, crazy stuff = "visible"; flyover.onmouseout = function(){ avglsflyover.hide(event); }; // show the transparent layer var trans_div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans"); if (trans_div == null) return; = "visible"; trans_div.onmouseout = function(){ avglsflyover.hide(event); }; avglsflyover.poppedUp = false; } }, show: function () { var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); if (div == null) return; = "visible"; var trans_div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans"); if (trans_div == null) return; = "visible"; } }; var avglsinlineflyover = { build: function (riskCategory, riskName, bgColor, borderColor) { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += riskCategory + '
'; html += riskName + '
'; html += '
'; return html; }, popup: function (event, flyover, nSeverity, blUrl) { //set verdict info var div = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover'); if (div == null) return; // blUrl is an object for a blacklisted short url // when it is passed get the final url if (blUrl != undefined) { var finalUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetFinalUrl', blUrl.sUrl); var riskUrl = blUrl.sUrl; if ((finalUrl) && (searchshield.FilterUrl(finalUrl, xplSearch.engine.shortened_urls))) finalUrl = avglsinlineflyover.getUrlFromQueryString(finalUrl); var riskName = blUrl.riskNameLabel + finalUrl; flyover =, riskName, blUrl.bgColor, blUrl.borderColor); } div.innerHTML = flyover; = "auto"; //reset width = "absolute"; if (searchshield.quirksMode || searchshield.docMode <= 7) { var className = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.classname[nSeverity]; var imgBase = "linkscanner://" + className + "_inline_border_"; var divWidth = searchshield.elementSize(div)[0]; //round up to nearest 10 to avoid intentional wrapping in div var flyoverWidth = divWidth + (10 - Math.ceil(10*((divWidth/10) - Math.floor(divWidth/10)))); var ilfoDivs = div.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (ilfoDivs && ilfoDivs.length == 5) { // = "10px"; = "url(" + imgBase + "tl.png)"; = "0 0"; = "no-repeat"; = flyoverWidth + "px"; = "9999"; // avgILFO_head ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "tr.png)"; ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundPosition = "top right"; ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; ilfoDivs[0].style.width = flyoverWidth + "px"; ilfoDivs[0].style.height = "5px"; // avgILFO_head div ilfoDivs[1].style.height = "5px"; // avgILFO_content ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "r.png)"; ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundPosition = "top right"; ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundRepeat = "repeat-y"; ilfoDivs[2].style.fontSize = "10px"; ilfoDivs[2].style.color = "black"; ilfoDivs[2].style.padding = "0px 10px"; ilfoDivs[2].style.textAlign = "left"; ilfoDivs[2].style.wordWrap = "break-word"; ilfoDivs[2].style.lineHeight = "130%"; // avgILFO_foot ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "bl.png)"; ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundPosition = "bottom left"; ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; ilfoDivs[3].style.height = "5px"; // avgILFO_foot div ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "br.png)"; ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundPosition = "bottom right"; ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; ilfoDivs[4].style.width = flyoverWidth + "px"; ilfoDivs[4].style.height = "5px"; } else { = "10px"; = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.background[nSeverity]; = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.border[nSeverity] + " solid 3px"; = "3px 8px"; } } else { // apply updated styles for new flyover content var sheets = document.styleSheets; for (var i=0; i < sheets.length; i++) { if (sheets[i].id && sheets[i].id == "avgILFOStyle") { var avgILFOStyle = sheets[i]; break; } } if (typeof(avgILFOStyle) !== "undefined") { var className = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.classname[nSeverity]; var divWidth = searchshield.elementSize(div)[0]; //round up to nearest 10 to avoid intentional wrapping in div var flyoverWidth = divWidth + (10 - Math.ceil(10*((divWidth/10) - Math.floor(divWidth/10)))); var rules = avgILFOStyle.rules; for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++) { var bgImg = rules[i].style.backgroundImage; var selText = rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase(); if (bgImg) { var bgImgStyle = bgImg.replace(/default/, className); rules[i].style.backgroundImage = bgImgStyle; } if (((selText == ".avgilfo") || (selText == ".avgilfo_head") || (selText == ".avgilfo_foot div")) && (rules[i].style.width) && (rules[i].style.width == "0px")) { rules[i].style.width = (flyoverWidth) + "px"; } } } } if (!event) event = window.event; var eventTarget = event.srcElement; avglsinlineflyover.position(eventTarget); }, hide: function (event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_InlineFlyover"); if (div == null) return; = "hidden"; //invisible = "-5000px"; if (!searchshield.quirksMode) { // reset flyover styles var sheets = document.styleSheets; for (var i=0; i < sheets.length; i++) { if (sheets[i].id && sheets[i].id == "avgILFOStyle") { var avgILFOStyle = sheets[i]; break; } } if (typeof(avgILFOStyle) !== "undefined") { var rules = avgILFOStyle.rules; for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++) { var bgImg = rules[i].style.backgroundImage; var selText = rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase(); if (bgImg) { var bgImgStyle = bgImg.replace(/:\/\/([a-z]+)_/i, '://default_'); rules[i].style.backgroundImage = bgImgStyle; } if (((selText == ".avgilfo") || (selText == ".avgilfo_head") || (selText == ".avgilfo_foot div")) && (rules[i].style.width)) { rules[i].style.width = "0px"; } } } } }, position: function (imageElem) { var flyover = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover'); if (flyover == null) return; // relative position of flyover in relation to icon var locateX = 0; // 0=left, 1=right var locateY = 0; // 0=above, 1=below, 2=beside icon // get window sizes var winSize = searchshield.viewPortSize(); var windowX = winSize[0]; var windowY = winSize[1]; // Must know if there is a horizontal scroll bar for Firefox // for proper flyover positioning near bottom edge var scrollYWidth = winSize[2]; var scrollBarX = winSize[2] > 0 ? true : false; // get the exact size of the flyover var flyoverSize = searchshield.elementSize(flyover); var flyoverX = flyoverSize[0]; var flyoverY = flyoverSize[1]; = flyoverX + "px"; // get the bounding rect for image(s) var imgRect = imageElem.getBoundingClientRect(); // half width/height (center) of element bounding rect var halfX = (imgRect.right - imgRect.left) / 2; var halfY = (imgRect.bottom- / 2; // element the mouse is over, get the center position var posX = searchshield.offsetLeft(imageElem) + halfX; var posY = searchshield.offsetTop(imageElem) + halfY; var pageOffsetX = 0; var pageOffsetY = 0; var hasParentFrame = false; // normalize pos to 0 -- get amount of scrolling in browser window var scroll = searchshield.scrollSize(imageElem); pageOffsetX = scroll[0]; pageOffsetY = scroll[1]; hasParentFrame = scroll[2]; posX -= pageOffsetX; posY -= pageOffsetY; //compensate for Firefox 3 if (posX < imgRect.left) posX = imgRect.left+halfX; // setup the offsets var offsetX = posX; var offsetY = posY; // calc where to display on page if ((windowX - posX) > posX) { // right //offsetX += halfX; offsetX = imgRect.right + 3; locateX = 1; } else { //left //offsetX -= (flyoverX + halfX); offsetX = imgRect.left - flyoverX - 3; } if ((windowY - posY) > posY) { // below if (posY < (windowY/4)) { offsetY -= halfY; locateY = 1; } else { offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2) - halfY; locateY = 2; } } else { // above if ((windowY - posY) < (windowY/4)) { offsetY -= (flyoverY - halfY); } else { offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2) + halfY; locateY = 2; } } // make sure we aren't off the screen if (offsetY < 0) offsetY = 0; if ((offsetY + flyoverY) > windowY) { offsetY = windowY - flyoverY; } else if (scrollBarX && ((windowY - (posY + halfY)) < scrollYWidth)) { //verdict overlaps the horizontal scrollbar offsetY = windowY - (flyoverY + scrollYWidth); } // add page offsets back - if not in frame if (!hasParentFrame) { offsetX += pageOffsetX; offsetY += pageOffsetY; } //posX += pageOffsetX; //posY += pageOffsetY; //var paddedOffsetX = 0; //provide space between icon and flyover //var padX = 3; //if (locateX == 0) // paddedOffsetX = offsetX - padX; //else // paddedOffsetX = offsetX + padX; // set where to put the flyover = offsetY + "px"; = offsetX + "px"; avglsinlineflyover.display(); }, display: function () { var div = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover'); if (div == null) return; // show the flyover = "visible"; }, imageExists: function(element) { if (element) { // check next siblings children var sibling = element.nextSibling; if ((sibling == null) || (sibling.getElementsByTagName == null)) return false; var images = sibling.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); if (images == null) return false; for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i].id == "avg_ls_image") return true; } } return false; }, getImage: function (anchor) { if (anchor) { var imageElem = null; var images = anchor.getElementsByTagName("img"); if (images == null) return imageElem; for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i].id == "avg_ls_image") { imageElem = images[i]; break; } } return imageElem; } }, getUrlFromQueryString: function (inUrl) { var url = inUrl; var uri = searchshield.parseLink(unescape(inUrl)); if (uri.source != null) { // regexp failed so used split to parse url var qsUrl = uri.source.indexOf("?url="); if (qsUrl != -1) url = uri.source.substring(qsUrl + 5); else url = uri.source; } else if ((uri.qsArray.url != null) && (uri.qsArray.url.length > 0)) { url = uri.qsArray.url; } return url; }, mouseOverHandler: function (e, doc, engine) { if (e && e.srcElement && e.srcElement.href) { // need to keep a reference to the function registered // by the listener to be able to remove it. var handlerFunc = arguments.callee; var element = e.srcElement; var href = e.srcElement.href; // need an engine if (!engine) return; // check if it has an image already if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(element)) return; // add the image, returns the anchor not the image var new_element = engine.add_inline_image(doc, element, null, null); // do the check and update in the background setTimeout(function() {avglsinlineflyover.checkAndUpdate(doc, element, new_element, engine, handlerFunc)}, 1); } }, checkAndUpdate: function (doc, element, new_element, engine, handlerFunc) { if (!engine) return; try { // remove the listener and get final url element.detachEvent("onmouseover", handlerFunc, false); var finalUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetFinalUrl', element.href); } catch(e) {} if ((typeof(finalUrl) != 'undefined') && finalUrl) { // if still a tiny url check for final url embedded in querystring if (searchshield.FilterUrl(finalUrl, engine.shortened_urls) && (finalUrl.indexOf("?url=") != -1)) { finalUrl = avglsinlineflyover.getUrlFromQueryString(finalUrl); } // update the verdict engine.display_inline(doc, new_element, finalUrl, null, true); } else { engine.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict(new_element); } } }; /////////////// FLYOVERS /////////////// (function(){ setTimeout( function() { try { if ((self == top) && top.document) { searchshield.init(top.document, 1); } } catch(e){return;} }, 1 ); return; })(); -->

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